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Enroll in our Free Mini Course!

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Is your dog easily distracted?

If your dog barks, lunges, pulls, or just desperately wants to say hello to everyone, then this mini course is perfect for you!

In the Distracted Dog Reset we'll focus on 3 skills you can teach your dog to redirect them and regain their focus. 

Great for dogs of any age who just need a little reset. 

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Enroll now to get the first lesson delivered right to your inbox!

Every few days you'll receive a new skill to work on with your dog,

totally free, right to your inbox! 

Each email comes packed with information to help you learn the skill yourself, a pdf printable lesson plan and video demos as well!


If you want a dog who comes when called, who doesn't react to other dogs or people, and who wants to pay attention to you, then get started with the Distracted Dog Reset Today!

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